Client Solutions

ProShow unique programs directly respond to client needs and on- site expectations. Over 31 years of experience has generated these signature programs of identification, recognition and specialized skills…all focused on our clients’ success.

ProShow Proven Program Accomplishments:

“Ask Me”

Exclusively part of ProShow’s brand enhances communication and fast action on the event floor. Guests are warmly greeted and directed through an on- site authentication process, a session, an exhibit and more.


COVID 19 Compliance Team

Led by ProShow’s Compliance Coordinator implements all client and venue safety protocols with grace. Temperature takers, sanitation station directionals, touchless badge distributors, and more ensure our clients’ guests are safe while engaged in appropriate compliance guidelines.


Registration Gold Team

Ensures accurate data processing in the most efficient and effective manner. These “star staffers” have passed rigorous testing and orientation to the specific event software and other IT functions so clients are assured of accurate badging and professional processing of guests’ authentication for their events. Our clients often request Gold Team staff for successive events year to year, offering the consistency of staff who know their IT system and can hit the ground running.


“Great Job”!

Recognizes above and beyond performers in the moment so staff is inspired to give their best from Day 1 to close. Created in the late 90’s, this program has become a staple of ProShow’s customer service delivery to our clients. Recognizing awesome performance creates a positive vibe on site which feeds the event success for our clients.


Customer Service Certificates

Acknowledge staff who have successfully met ProShow’s customer service standards throughout their assignment. For the staffers, these certificates become a “badge of honor” building a loyalty to ProShow. We have dedicated long term certificate recipients who line up to work with ProShow the minute they hear we are coming to their area. Our clients benefit from this loyalty since repeat staff start out with a team spirit, hitting the ground running.


Virtual Gold Team

Stands ready to jump in to assist with your online event. In the recent months of the virtual event explosion, ProShow found an avenue to tap into our Gold Team’s strengths in a new way, offering our clients who are struggling with online engagement and customer service delivery a ready resource. These staffers are not only tech savvy on a multitude of platforms, but they are quick on their feet and well- practiced in not only solving the issue at hand but doing so in a way that makes the guest feel heard and cared for. Through collaborating with our clients, we can identify ways to maximize their tech savvy skills and customer service expertise. Such challenges are nothing new to us; we are practiced at spotting and filling gaps quickly. After 31 years, we can bring that agility to the virtual world.

Client Tools

Management Process Checklist

A – Z how it’s done


Sample Client Timeline

Co-create and commit to follow the plan


Sample Communications Chart

How we organize ourselves on site to ensure ease of communication and clarification of responsibilities


Contact Us

With our signature programs and customized client tools, ProShow ensures success every time! Tell us about your event!
